7:00 P.M.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at Claremont City Hall.
Members present: Mayor Tasha Dahl, City Council Members: Jacob Klejeski, Deb Ellis, Hunter McGovern, and Krystal Sultze. Members absent: None.
City staff and others present: Administrator/Clerk Elizabeth Sorg, Maintenance Director Casey Dahl, City Attorney Mark Rahrick, City Engineer Derek Olinger, and Donna Gregory.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Sultze to approve the agenda, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.
The Consent Agenda consisted of the Minutes of the November 7, 2023, Regular City Council Meeting. Motion by Ellis to approve the Consent Agenda, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
Nothing at this time.
Motion by McGovern to approve the financial reports, second by Ellis. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Klejeski to approve the amended list of bills to be paid, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Sorg recommended transferring $130,000 to the 4M Plus Fund, transferring $200,000 into a new 6-month Money Market at Ameriprise, and when the levy comes in putting $150,000 to $200,000 into another 3- or 6-month CD or Money Market account, whichever has the best rate at that time. Motion by Ellis to approve the new investments, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.
Nothing at this time.
Nothing at this time.
Nothing at this time.
Nothing at this time.
The fence at the new ball field has been installed.
Their reports were in the packet.
All of the water tower rehab is done except the recirculating pump; the pump is in and now they are waiting for a few more parts to be able to install it. Motion by Klejeski to approve Tanksco’s Pay Application #4 in the amount of $9,813.77, second by Ellis. Motion carried unanimously.
Sorg met with Thomas Harwood, Owner’s Representative of Al-Corn, on November 22. He is in discussions with Dodge County Highway Department about putting in a new driveway from 5th Street north to CR 34. They would use the driveway for cars and vehicles going to Al-Corn (workers, visitors, etc.) which would keep 2 lanes on 5th Street heading west for semi parking and 1 lane heading east for exiting. The highway department doesn’t see any issues but has to wait until it is formally not a highway and officially turned into a county road. He stated it would be at Al-Corn’s expense. City Engineer Olinger suggested drafting an agreement with them as it will in the public right-of-way heading to a city street. Attorney Rahrick also suggested an agreement stating who will maintain what and where to prevent any issues in the future. The council wondered if Al-Corn would like the city to turn 5th Street over to them since it is mainly used only for them as a parking area for the semis. Sorg will set up a meeting with Thomas Harwood and Olinger for further discussion.
Nothing at this time.
Last month the council discussed amending the fence ordinance. There are 2 changes, the first a zoning permit is requested for all fences, the second change deleted the section stating that a fence in the front yard must be decorative (made of wood). The maximum height of a fence in the front yard will remain 48”. Attorney Rahrick will have a final draft for the next meeting, along with a resolution approving a summary publication.
Mayor Dahl asked the public if there were any questions or comments on the 2024 budget or levy. The 2024 final levy increased 3% from 2023. Hearing no comments, motion by McGovern to approve Resolution No. 23-25: Resolution Adopting the 2024 Tax Levy and Budget, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Ellis to open the public hearing for special charges, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously. The 3 special charges are on 2 properties; 1 property for a fire call and 1 property for city ordinance violation of not clearing snow and also an administrative fine. There were no comments. Motion by Sultze to close the public hearing, second by Klejeski. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Klejeski to approve Resolution No. 23-27: Resolution Certifying Past-Due Bills to Dodge County for Collection with 2024 Property Taxes, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.
There are 5 properties being assessed for unpaid water/sewer fees. Motion by Ellis to approve Resolution No. 23-26: Resolution Certifying Past-Due Bills to Dodge County for Collection with 2024 Property Taxes, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.
Dodge County is designating old TH14 as a County State Aid Highway and asked the city to approve a resolution since a portion of it lies within the city’s boundaries. Motion by Klejeski to approve Resolution No. 23-28: Municipal Concurring Resolution (New CHAS 34 Designation), second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.
Minnesota’s new Earned Sick and Safe Time goes into effect January 1, 2024. Sorg amended the Employment Policy to comply with ESST. Attorney Rahrick has reviewed it along with Abdo, the city’s auditors and payroll consultants, and it meets all requirements. Motion by Ellis to approve the Employment Policy as amended, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Ellis to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m., second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
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Elizabeth Sorg, Administrator/Clerk Tasha Dahl, Mayor