TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2023
7:00 P.M.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at Claremont City Hall.
Members present: Mayor Tasha Dahl, City Council Members Jacob Klejeski, Hunter McGovern, and Krystal Sultze. Members absent: Deb Ellis.
City staff and others present: Interim Administrator/Clerk Elizabeth Sorg, Maintenance Director Casey Dahl, City Attorney Mark Rahrick, and Grant Erler.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by McGovern to approve the agenda with one addition of a request from Grant Erler added under Committee Reports, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
The Consent Agenda consisted of the Minutes of the June 6, 2023, Regular City Council Meeting. Motion by Klejeski to approve the Consent Agenda, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.
Grant Erler requested renting the 3 bleachers Claremont has for the West Concord Survival Days tractor pull July 22. He’ll pick them up Friday and return them Sunday. Motion by McGovern to loan the 3 bleachers to West Concord at no charge, second by Klejeski. Motion carried unanimously.
Nothing at this time.
Motion by Klejeski to approve the financial reports, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by McGovern to approve the amended list of bills to be paid, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
Claremont Insurance Agency asked to use the Fire Hall, as they have for several years, on June 21 for their customer appreciation. They typically donate $500 to the fire department for the use of the Fire Hall. The Fire Department has no issues with the request. Motion by Sultze to approve the use of the Fire Hall by the Claremont Agency, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.
Sorg sent Claremont, Ripley and Aurora townships the Fire Service Contract renewals. Aurora Township approved theirs and returned it. Motion by Sultze to approve the Aurora Township Fire Service Agreement, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.
Nothing at this time.
The DNR grant for the ballfield was denied. The CEDA rep is working on other grants that are available.
Maintenance Director Dahl asked the council if he could build one sandbox at Memorial Park and one at Henning Park. He has lumber available and the kids are always playing in the sand in the volleyball pit. The council thought that was a great idea.
The old mower had a design problem and the service department was not friendly. A new John Deer mower was purchased and with the old one traded in the cost was $3000.
The walking trail is finished and signs are posted.
Their reports were in the packet.
They had a training season with Tonka on maintenance and cleaning of the water treatment system so they started cleaning the media and should be done by Friday.
MDH and the EPA have adopted the Lead and Copper Rule which will require submission of a lead service line inventory for every private and public service line connection. MDH has funding available for small communities to do these inspections. This inventory is due October 16, 2024. Any lead service lines will need to be replaced, which funding will be available. Sorg has applied for the funding and should hear back in a month or so. Since these inspections are mandatory Sorg has asked Bolton & Menk to also do sump pump inspections at the same time, which would be a fraction of the typical costs. City Engineer Olinger will prepare an estimate for consideration at the next meeting.
The street chip sealing and crack filling is being done today.
This afternoon, a preconstruction meeting for the water tower project was held. They will be starting soon. There will be an RV on-site to prevent vandalism, accept shipments, etc. There will be a 10’ radius of the water tower curtained off for the work. The project will take 10 weeks.
Staff asked the council for ideas on what to do with the old street signs. They could be sold, donated to the Fire Department for their silent auction, or given out to first come, first served. The council tabled until August.
Nothing other than what is on the agenda.
A resident at 303 Church Street applied for a chicken permit for 2 – 3 hens. Motion by Klejeski to approve the permit, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.
Three investments will mature in July. Motion by McGovern to renew the 3 investments at the best interest rate available, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
The council discussed the Garbage and Refuse Hauler Ordinance. There are issues with some companies not securing the trash and it blows around, some companies are picking up trash at 4:30 in the morning and if there was only 1 company it would save on city streets and pick up times could be set. The ordinance also has requirements that are not being met and might not be needed. The Public Health Committee will discuss changes needed to the ordinance and make recommendations at the next council meeting.
Mayor Dahl has been in contact with Evan Brown as he has returned from deployment. The council will offer him a severance package. Motion by McGovern to offer Evan Brown a severance package of $27,500 lump sum plus his PTO, with no insurance stipend, contingent upon him signing a separation agreement, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Klejeski to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 p.m., second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Elizabeth Sorg, Interim Administrator/Clerk Tasha Dahl, Mayor