7:00 P.M.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Claremont, Minnesota was held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at Claremont City Hall.
Members present: Mayor Tasha Dahl, City Council Members: Jacob Klejeski, Krystal Sultze, Deb Ellis, and Ryan Hedberg (Hedberg arrived at 7:15 p.m.). Council Members absent: None.
City staff and others present: Administrator Elizabeth Sorg, Maintenance Director Casey Dahl, City Attorney Mark Rahrick, and Donna Gregory.
Motion by Sultze to approve the agenda with 1 addition of a request to rent the Fire Hall added under Public Health and Safety, second by Ellis. Motion carried unanimously.
The Consent Agenda consisted of: Minutes of the May 7, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting. Motion by Klejeski to approve the Consent Agenda, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
Nothing at this time.
Motion by Klejeski to approve the financial reports, second by Ellis. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Ellis to approve the amended list of bills to be paid, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
The Claremont Agency requested to rent the Fire Hall on June 14. Motion by Klejeski to approve Claremont Agency’s request to rent the Fire Hall, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
Nothing at this time.
The Claremont Service Center applied for a façade improvement grant. They will be re-tinning the outside of their building, new windows, gutters, and other improvements. Motion by Klejeski to approve the $2500 grant request, second by Ellis. Motion carried unanimously.
Nothing at this time.
Quaale Masonry and Chelmo Construction submitted bids for a full-size basketball court in Henning Park. The lowest bid was over $7000 which included keeping part of the old concrete that is cracked. To take out the concrete and do it nicer and safer it will be over $10,000 so it will need to be budgeted for. The council will look into doing this next year.
At this time, Council Member Klejeski and Fire Chief Dahl were paged out to a fire.
Quaale Masonry bid $12,750 for concrete and block sides for two 10’ x 30’ dug outs at Claremont Field and Chelmo Construction’s bid was $11,620. As a plus, Chelmo Construction is also doing the sides and roof of the dugouts. Motion by Sultze to approve Chelmo Construction’s bid for the concrete and blocks for the dug outs, second by Ellis. Motion carried unanimously.
Two companies were called for electric bids for the scoreboard and lights. The bid request is to put the scoreboard in now and place conduit where the lights will go for installation later on. Only one bid has been received so far. Administrator Sorg will get at least one more bid.
Progress has been made on Claremont Field and Harmer Park: Dahl has talked to Hodgman Excavating about expanding the parking lot, Hodgman Excavating has also installed an extra inlet and it doesn’t appear to be flooding, Dahl has planted more grass and Corey’s Outdoor Services has put starter fertilizer on it, the bleachers are in but not put together yet, the scoreboard is in, and the Harmer Park sign is in and will be installed soon.
Ethan Reed has planted the food forest in 3 areas very similar to the food forest flyer he had presented to the council.
Their monthly reports were in the packet.
Final notices were sent to those who have not had their service line and sump pump inspected yet.
Bolton & Menk is working on a response to MPCA regarding the sulfate limit.
On May 22, Bolton & Menk engineers toured the wastewater treatment facility with our PeopleService representative Nick Vikers and city staff. They looked at the various pieces of equipment that need attention or replacement. They will prepare a prioritized list of improvements with anticipated costs.
Engineer Olinger and staff also met to discuss a large street project that will be planned for next year.
Administrator Sorg received a bid for reconstructing a portion of the sidewalk in front of City Hall as there is a large crack in it. A portion of the cracked sidewalk belongs to Russell Mosley. Following the Assessment Policy, Mr. Mosley has signed an agreement willing to pay the 30% of his portion, which is $615. The Agreement states if he fails to pay it will be assessed onto his taxes. The sidewalk repair will be done soon by Quaale Masonry at a total cost of $5710.
Sorg emailed Attorney Rahrick and Engineer Olinger a sample copy of a sump pump ordinance requiring residents to have their sump pump inspected once their property is sold. They will review and draft an ordinance for consideration.
Dodge County Public Health contacted City Hall recommending the city adopt an ordinance for growing cannabis or selling cannabis if the council would like to have specific regulations over it. Attorney Rahrick will check into what other cities are doing or what recommendations the council might want to consider.
Sorg went over Dahl’s review with him but since he left on a fire call, it will be tabled until July.
Nothing at this time.
The Hogfest Committee applied for a Temporary Liquor License for August 2 – 4. Motion by Sultze to approve the Temporary License for Hogfest, second by Ellis. Motion carried unanimously.
There are 3 residents in town who have received 1 letter followed by 4 administrative fines due to non-compliance with city code, specifically debris in open areas and unlicensed vehicles. There are 3 options the council could do to bring these properties into compliance: the attorney can send a letter, invite them to a public hearing for discussion, or take action for abatement. Some of these properties are a safety issue. Council requested Sorg and Rahrick work together and send notices for a public hearing at the July meeting.
The PeopleService Contract expires in 2025. Administrator Sorg briefly researched the city hiring a licensed water and wastewater facility operator who can also train employees so they can get their licenses. Sorg will continue working on this such as job descriptions, a posting for a part-time position and coming up with a transition plan. Maintenance Director Dahl will be attending both a water and wastewater class and registering to take both Class D tests at those trainings.
Motion by Ellis to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m., second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.
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Elizabeth Sorg, Administrator Tasha Dahl, Mayor