MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
-Meeting Proceedings-
Chair Kenworthy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those members present: Lloyd Henslin, Jr., Duane Bartel, Wendy Kenworthy, Dale Jensen, Jim Jensen, Rebecca Knutson, and Brian Ginder; absent: none. Also present: Superintendent Craig Schlichting, Principal Luke Lutterman, Principal Shane Van Beek, Dean of Students Tricia Johnson, A.D. Corey Black, Student Council Representative Corey Lilledahl, Tina Kozisek, 6 visitors and 3 visitors present via ZOOM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Bartel/D. Jensen motioned to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Eleanor Kasper, Piper Evans, Spencer Eckhoff, Eva Eipers, Adam Gardner, Izabella Ortiz, Alexis Randall, Layla Schley, Preston Erler, Gracelyn Schwering, Autumn Froyum, Brylee Reniker, Guadalupe Mendoza, and Maguire Keller were recognized and congratulated as the Cobra Pride honorees this month.
J. Jensen/Henslin motioned to approve the consent agenda as presented including the January 8, 2024 regular meeting minutes and January 31, 2024 study session minutes; budget update; claims and bills; treasurer’s report; donations, nonresident/open enrollment agreements #021224A, #021224B, #021224C, #021224D, #021224E, #021224F, #021224G, #021224H, #021224I, #021224J, and #021224K; contracts for Stephanie Terwilliger as Special Education Paraprofessional, Joe Giesler as Assistant Building, Grounds, and Transportation Supervisor, Sue Torgerson as Adult GED Teacher, Corey Black as Activities Director, and Vanessa Schmidt as Title 1 Paraprofessional; long-term substitute agreement for Kari Fields as TMS Special Education Teacher; extra-curricular contracts for Anne Wotherspoon as Musical Director, Andrew Wotherspoon as Assistant Musical Director, Jaime Geers as Choreographer, Christine Deetz as Tech Director, and Caitlyn Sowieja as Junior High Softball Coach. Motion carried unanimously.
Knutson/Ginder motioned to approve students to attend the BPA overnight trip to the State Leadership Conference in Minneapolis March 14-16, 2024. Motion carried unanimously.
J. Jensen/D. Jensen motioned to approve the Resolution Directing the Administration to Make Recommendations for Reductions in Programs and Positions and Reasons Therefor. Motion carried unanimously. (Attachment A)
Bartel/Knutson motioned to approve Comparable Worth Pay Equity Report. Motion carried unanimously.
Discuss/Approve Legal Newspaper. Still waiting on the opinion of the attorney at this time. Item tabled until next meeting.
Knutson/J. Jensen motioned to approve the Safe Learning Plan. Motion carried unanimously.
J. Jensen/Henslin motioned to approve the Triton School Calendar for 2024-2025. Motion carried unanimously.
Henslin/Knutson motioned to approve the 6th Grade Overnight Stay to Eagle Bluff April 22-24, 2024. Motion carried unanimously.
Enrollment figures were discussed for first semester.
Student Council Representative Corey Lilledahl reported on Snow Week activities and the food drive.
Henslin gave a ZED update. Next meeting is scheduled for 2/15/24. ZED Writing Contest had a total of 322 entries and 98 were from Triton.
A.D. Black reported on the dance team finishing their season; One Act Play Sub-Sections were held 1/27/24, Triton finished third; 1/27/24 Athletic Hall of Fame induction; winter sports are wrapping up, and 4/12/24 softball will host a double header in West Concord.
TES Principal Van Beek reported on I Love to Read Month, visiting authors, school wide incentive program, MnDOT Bridge in a Bag, donations from Dan & Sue Welsh and TES TEAM Parent Group.
TMS Dean of Students Tricia Johnson reported on the upcoming ski trip.
THS Principal Lutterman reported on National Counselors Week, transition to second semester, snow week, and EMT/EMR program planning.
Superintendent Schlichting thanked School Board members for what they do. He also reported on EMT Classes, next steps for the Superintendent position, Pre-K updates, READ Act training, Spanish Immersion survey, and March staffing.
Chair Kenworthy adjourned the meeting at 6:37 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
School District Clerk