Minnesota Statute requires we provide annual notification to parents of Triton Public Schools students of the topics below. If you have any questions, please use the contact number found in the notice.
Minnesota Statute 121A.335 requires public school buildings serving kindergarten through grade 12 to test for lead in water every 5 years. This statute also requires school districts to make the results of the testing available to the public for review and to notify parents of the availability of the information. Notification may be accomplished by publishing a statement in the “Back to School” newsletter or publication that is available to staff, student, parents and the public.
Triton Public Schools is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for employees and students. The district has developed a lead in water management plan and testing program that complies with Minnesota Statute 121A.335, as well as recommendations from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Lead Contamination Control Act (LCCA) of 1988 and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).
For more information on Triton Public Schools lead reduction and testing program, please contact Dave Hagen at 507-418-7540.
Triton Public Schools has an indoor air quality management plan that outlines specific policies and procedures used in district to address indoor air quality issues. The District Health and Safety Committee chaired by Dave Hagen (507-418-7540) and the Institute for Environmental Assessment, the district’s health and safety consultant, review the plan annually. If you have any questions concerning indoor air quality or would like to use the EPA’s Tools for Schools checklists, please contact Dave Hagen.
During the past school year and continuing into the 2023-2024 school year, the following asbestos management plan activities have been or are currently being completed. These activities are pursuant to the Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 763- “Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools; Final Rule and Notice.”
• Two (2) Semi-Annual Periodic Surveillance Inspection
• Notification of Asbestos Locations for Short-Term Workers (Electricians, Plumbers, etc.)
• Training of District Personnel
Triton Public Schools has contracted with the Institute for Environmental Assessment to provide environmental consulting services.
The complete updated Asbestos Management Plan for Triton Public Schools can be found in the District office. The Management Plan can be viewed, without cost or restriction, during normal working hours. Copies can be obtained for a fee of $.10 per page.
Any questions concerning this notice or an explanation of our Asbestos Management Plan can be directed to Dave Hagen, Triton Public Schools, at 507-418-7540.