Claremont City Council Meeting - November 7, 2023





7:00 P.M.

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at Claremont City Hall.

Members present: Mayor Tasha Dahl, City Council Members Jacob Klejeski, Hunter McGovern, and Krystal Sultze. Members absent: Deb Ellis.

City staff and others present: Administrator/Clerk Elizabeth Sorg, Maintenance Director Casey Dahl, City Attorney Mark Rahrick, City Engineer Derek Olinger, Matt Durand, Dean Schuette, Bryon Wolf, and Donna Gregory.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Motion by Sultze to approve the agenda, second by Klejeski. Motion carried unanimously.




The Consent Agenda consisted of the Minutes of the October 3, 2023, Regular City Council Meeting and Resolution No. 23-23: Resolution Establishing Polling Place. Motion by McGovern to approve the Consent Agenda, second by Klejeski. Motion carried unanimously.



Nothing at this time.


Motion by Klejeski to approve the financial reports, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Klejeski to approve the amended list of bills to be paid, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.


The 2024 Law Enforcement Contract will be $75,190 for 28 hours per week. Motion by McGovern to approve the 2024 Law Enforcement Contract, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.


Donna Gregory at 113 3rd Street applied for a variance to install a California style fence in her front yard. A California style fence is a style of chain link, typically connected at the top and bottom with wood beams. Per City Ordinance, fences in front yards need to be decorative defined as wood vertical posts and wood horizontal rail fence with no more than 3 rails or a wood picket type fence with at least 4 inches of open space between each picket being wood. The planning and zoning committee recommended the council approve the variance. Motion by McGovern to approve the variance of a California style fence in the front yard of 113 3rd Street, second by Klejeski. Motion carried unanimously.

The committee members discussed the fence ordinance and would like the council to consider changing the definition of decorative which reads “as wood vertical posts and wood horizontal rail fence with no more than 3 rails or a wood picket type fence with at least 4 inches of open space between each picket being wood”. The committee recommended the council amend the fence ordinance and the council agreed. City Attorney Rahrick will draft an amended fence ordinance with a more relaxed definition such as front yard fences not being chain link or tin.


Matt Durand was present to update the council on his housing project. One person has signed a Purchase Agreement, another family is very interested. Durand proposed starting 2 homes by April and the council stated they will let him still have the 3 lots until February, but he has to have started some work (like obtaining building permits, homes purchased, etc.) on the lots by February and starting actual digging/building by spring. The council requested Durand start coming to every other meeting to give updates on the project.

CEDA submitted a 2024 Contract for Professional Services for consideration. At this time, there is no need for an annual contract. CEDA might be open to a “per project cost” should something come up. Administrator/Clerk Sorg will talk to Ron Ziegler, President of CEDA.

Greg Himler was approved for a façade grant improvement through the city. His cost to replace 3 windows was $2226.17. Motion by Sultze to reimburse him $1113.09, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.


Nothing at this time.


Dean Schuette, Claremont Area Chamber President, was present to give an update on the ballfield. He got a proposal for a 16’ high backstop fence and a fence along the sides for approximately $15,000. The chamber will be making another donation prior to the end of the year which will pay for everything that is done including the fence. The ballfield will be ready for use by spring. The chamber and city will request more donations in the spring to add improvements to the ballfield such as a collapsible fence for the outfield. They also discussed having a pavilion and swing sets or playground of some type. Schuette suggested naming it Claremont Field at Harmer Park. Typically, the park is named and then the ballfield in that park has a different name. The council agreed with that name. Brian Nelson farms the land and some of his crops were damaged from the tile installation. Schuette told Nelson to tell him the dollar amount of crop damage so he could get reimbursed.


Their reports were in the packet.


The sewer outfall project is finished, and the 3rd and final pay estimate is $9297.50. Motion by Klejeski to approve Pay Request #3 for $9297.50, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.

Don Gray’s land had some crop damage this year and they verbally agreed to reimbursement of $330 for the damage. Motion by Sultze to reimburse Don Gray in the amount of $330 for the crop damage, second by McGovern. Motion carried unanimously.

All of the water tower rehab is done except the recirculating pump; they are waiting for a part for the pump. Motion by McGovern to approve Tanksco’s Pay Application #3 in the amount of $18,603.88, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.


About half of the old street signs were sold and brought in $700.

Congratulations to City Maintenance Director Casey Dahl as he successfully completed a stormwater permit inspector course.


Attorney Rahrick will review Sorg’s draft of the amended employment policy regarding the new Earned Sick and Safe Time law.




Bryon Wolf briefly went over the city’s insurance policy renewal. The cost for this year is $28,060. Motion by Mayor Dahl to not waive the monetary limits on them municipal tort liability, second by Klejeski. Motion carried unanimously.

Dan Murphy, City Building Inspection Services, turned in his resignation and will no longer be available as building official effective December 31, 2023. Inspectron out of Rosemount submitted a contract and fee schedule. They are similar to City Building Inspection Services. Motion by Klejeski to approve the Contract with Inspectron, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.

Attorney Rahrick drafted Ordinance No. 2023-1107: Regulating Use of Cannabis on Public Property, stating it is unlawful to use cannabis on public property. Motion by McGovern to approve Ordinance No. 2023-1107, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.

Three administrative citations have been issued. The council would like Administrator/Clerk Sorg to continue issuing administrative citations as needed.

Service Line Warranty Program contacted City Hall to offer 2 programs for unanticipated water or sewer repairs: coverage of unexpected high water or sewer bills and also coverage of exterior service line repairs for a monthly fee. The first type of coverage helps residents with unexpected high water or sewer bills. They sign up all residents and then residents can call to cancel it. Sorg said the city won’t offer that to residents as it is not right that the resident would have to cancel something they didn't sign up for. The second type of coverage is exterior water or sewer service line repairs. They send the information to residents on city letterhead. The council felt they could offer the coverage on their own and residents might get confused by sending the information out on city letterhead.

Sorg added the administrative fines fees to the Resolution of Fees. Motion by Klejeski to approve Resolution No. 23-24: Resolution of 2023 Fees, second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.

The council reviewed the proposed final budget and levy. They agreed to a final levy increase of 3%. The council will approve the final budget and levy at the December meeting.

Motion by Klejeski to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m., second by Sultze. Motion carried unanimously.


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Elizabeth Sorg, Administrator/Clerk Tasha Dahl, Mayor