Save Your Brain, Prevent Dementia


Save your brain, prevent dementia. The more you eat a diet based on whole healthy foods the more you can improve brain power and brain function. Certain foods can delay or prevent age related cognitive decline and other brain disorders. For instance, anchovies, sardines, mackerel, herring and wild caught salmon are full of omega 3 fats that have neuroprotective properties for the brain. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, brussels sprouts) and leafy greens also contain brain protecting nutrients like folate, vitamin E, K, lutein and beta carotene. Free range, grass fed eggs, particularly the yolks contain choline which is needed for your body to make acetylcholine which is involved in maintaining your memory.

Women with the highest cardiovascular fitness had an 88% lower risk of dementia than those with moderate fitness. Cardiovascular fitness can be used as measure of how well blood is circulating to your heart and your brain.

Tomatoes and fruit have been shown to improve lung function. A recent study showed that former smokers who consumed tomatoes and fruit improved lung function and even restored damaged lung tissue. The two main compounds responsible for helping the lungs were the flavonoids contained in fruit and the lycopene contained in tomatoes.

The federal government has rebranded the covid boosters as a new annual vaccination. Sadly, Pfizer’s testing of the new formulated booster only involved 10 mice. Moderna’s version was only tested on 50 adults. The updated mRNA injections were developed to correspond to the Omicron variant, which now only accounts for 3.1% of the circulating strains currently out there.

46% of American adults suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure is affected by circulating blood volume and blood vessel constriction, both of which are regulated by the kidneys. Research data demonstrates high levels of uric acid, cleared through your kidneys, may increase your risk of gout and kidney stones and raise your blood pressure. Vitamin D helps protect against early kidney disease and therefore helps prevent high blood pressure.

Chiropractic and neuroplasticity: Neuroplasticity is defined as the brain’s ability to change, reorganize or grow neural networks. Neuroplasticity is a common talking point when discussing degenerative brain conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. Memory loss, brain fog, and mental exhaustion are symptoms of neuroplasticity degeneration. The spine – specifically the cervical spine – plays a very direct, very integral role in maintaining brain function. The spine houses essential nerve bundles and lymphatic delivery systems, which are charged with feeding the brain. Nerve bundles housed in the cervical spine carry critical messages to and from the brain, facilitating both unconscious and complex functions. Likewise, blood supplied to the brain provides oxygen, amino acids, electrolytes, hormones, and more, for healthy operation. With the link between the spine and brain evident, researchers have begun to look at how chiropractic may be used as a tool to help preserve positive neuroplasticity. Clinical studies have already begun, monitoring the effects of chiropractic on patients’ abilities to solve puzzles, multitask, and recall memories. a 3-year study comprised of 100 volunteers, presented at the International Research and Philosophy Symposium held at Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic. The study monitored the mental activity of participants using electroencephalograms (EEG), comparing readings before and after chiropractic adjustments. In an overwhelming majority of readings, brain function showed improvements across the board.